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Tuesday, July 3, 2018
›9:00 (1h)
Plenary talk
Chair: Tom Lyche
› Auditorium
9:00 - 10:00 (1h)
Plenary talk
Chair: Tom Lyche
Completing Volumetric Representations of Models defined by (trimmed) B-spline B-reps
- Elaine Cohen, University of Utah
09:00-10:00 (1h)
›10:00 (30min)
Coffee break
› Lobby
10:00 - 10:30 (30min)
Coffee break
›10:30 (2h05)
MS9 - Constrained approximation
Chair: Dany Leviatan
› Auditorium
10:30 - 12:35 (2h05)
MS9 - Constrained approximation
Chair: Dany Leviatan
Interpolatory pointwise estimates for monotone polynomial approximation
- Igor Shevchuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
10:30-10:55 (25min)
Approximation of convex bodies by convex algebraic level surfaces
- András Kroó, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
10:55-11:20 (25min)
Approximation by Bernstein polynomials with integer coefficients
- Borislav Draganov, University of Sofia and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
11:20-11:45 (25min)
Polynomial inequalities with asymmetric weights
- József Szabados, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics
11:45-12:10 (25min)
Are the degrees of unconstrained and constrained approximation the same? (comonotonicity as example)
- Dany Leviatan, Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University
12:10-12:35 (25min)
›10:30 (2h05)
Contributed Session 18
Chair: Bert Juttler
› Room A
10:30 - 12:35 (2h05)
Contributed Session 18
Room A
Chair: Bert Juttler
Fitting and Lofting with Patchwork B-splines
- Nora Engleitner, Johannes Kepler University Linz
10:30-10:55 (25min)
First order correction terms for trimmed quadrature in isogeometric analysis
- Felix Scholz, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
10:55-11:20 (25min)
B-Spline-based quadrature schemes in Isogeometric Analysis for Boundary Element Methods
- Maria Lucia Sampoli, Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena
11:20-11:45 (25min)
Numerical aspects of box-spline isogeometric methods
- Francesca Pelosi, Department of Mathematics, University of Rome "Tor Vergeta"
11:45-12:10 (25min)
The Argyris isogeometric space on unstructured multi-patch planar domains
- Giancarlo Sangalli, Dipartimento di Matematica - Università di Pavia
12:10-12:35 (25min)
›10:30 (2h05)
Contributed Session 19
Chair: Max Wardetzky
› Room B
10:30 - 12:35 (2h05)
Contributed Session 19
Room B
Chair: Max Wardetzky
Delaunay triangulations of regular hyperbolic surfaces
- Iordan Iordanov, Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
10:30-10:55 (25min)
Systole of regular hyperbolic surfaces with an application to Delaunay triangulations
- Matthijs Ebbens, Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
10:55-11:20 (25min)
A convex approach to the (Gilbert-) Steiner problem
- Mauro Bonafini, Department of Mathematics, University of Trento
11:20-11:45 (25min)
An algorithm for optimal transport between a simplex soup and a point cloud
- Jocelyn Meyron, Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique
11:45-12:10 (25min)
Adaptive Curvature-Based Grid Generation for 3D Web Graphics
- Bonita Saunders, National Institute of Standards and Technology
12:10-12:35 (25min)
›12:35 (1h55)
12:35 - 14:30 (1h55)
›14:30 (1h)
Plenary talk
Chair: Albert Cohen
› Auditorium
14:30 - 15:30 (1h)
Plenary talk
Chair: Albert Cohen
Multiscale Geometric Methods for high dimensional data near low-dimensional sets
- Mauro Maggioni, Johns Hopkins Universty
14:30-15:30 (1h)
›15:30 (30min)
Coffee break
› Lobby
15:30 - 16:00 (30min)
Coffee break
›16:00 (2h05)
MS9 - Shape processing
Chair: Martin Rumpf
› Auditorium
16:00 - 18:05 (2h05)
MS9 - Shape processing
Chair: Martin Rumpf
Encoding Shapes and their Differences with Functional Maps
- Maks Ovsjanikov, Ecole Polytechnique
16:00-16:25 (25min)
Representations and applications of differential operators in geometry processing
- Omri Azencot, University of California at Los Angeles
16:25-16:50 (25min)
Model Reduction for Elasticity-Based Shape Processing
- Klaus Hildebrandt, Delft University of Technology
16:50-17:15 (25min)
Phase-field models for shape processing
- Simon MASNOU, Institut Camille Jordan
17:15-17:40 (25min)
Bézier surface fitting on manifolds
- Benedikt Wirth, University of Muenster
17:40-18:05 (25min)
›16:00 (2h30)
Contributed Session 20
Chair: Jean-Louis Merrien
› Room A
16:00 - 18:30 (2h30)
Contributed Session 20
Room A
Chair: Jean-Louis Merrien
Hermite subdvision and spectral conditions
- Tomas Sauer, University of Passau & Fraunhofer IIS
16:00-16:25 (25min)
Multivalued support function at inflection points of planar curves
- Zbynek Sir, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
16:25-16:50 (25min)
An algebraic approach to polynomial reproduction of Hermite subdivision schemes
- Costanza Conti, DIEF, universita' di Firenze, Italy
16:50-17:15 (25min)
Coupling decimation and subdivision schemes for non linear multiresolutions
- Jacques Liandrat, Ecole Centrale Marseille
17:15-17:40 (25min)
Measure Dependent Subdivision Schemes
- Peter Binev, University of South Carolina
17:40-18:05 (25min)
›16:00 (2h30)
Contributed Session 21
Chair: Esmeralda Mainar
› Room B
16:00 - 18:30 (2h30)
Contributed Session 21
Room B
Chair: Esmeralda Mainar
Blending spline transformation of curves and surfaces
- Arne Lakså, The Arctic University of Norway
16:00-16:25 (25min)
Terrain level curves using blending splines
- Aleksander Pedersen, The Arctic University of Norway
16:25-16:50 (25min)
Comparison of intrinsic properties between b-splines and blending splines
- Tanita Fossli Brustad, The Arctic University of Norway
16:50-17:15 (25min)
Domain parameterization for blending spline surfaces on planar graphs
- Rune Dalmo, The Arctic University of Norway
17:15-17:40 (25min)
Spline-based approximation of smooth functions via F-transform
- Martins Kokainis, University of Latvia
17:40-18:05 (25min)
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